Imagine High - The miracle of youth engagement - Part 1


Students from Imagine High perform with Good Medicine Songs on June 21, 2023

At the concert, these beautiful young people were on stage, singing, speaking, giving and dedicating their energy to restoring streams, Halq’eméylem revitalization and reconciliation.  Paying respect and appreciation to the Stó:lō Elders, singers and language holders. This photo moves me to tears. All these students showed up. Some were just standing on stage, but they were there. So serious and sincere and beautiful. 

After doing Voices of Nature school music programs for over 30 years, I know that having teenage youth choose to involve themselves, put themselves out publicly, is not something you can take for granted! Especially doing things that aren’t in their usual wheelhouse of activities… like singing publicly in a First Nations language. Yet it kept happening and building day after day, week after week during the seven rehearsals over two months at Imagine High. 

Why? One reason may be that they are performing a song that they helped to create. “Listen to the Stream/Xwelelam te Stótelō” is the result of students collaborating with Good Medicine Songs team members. Stream Restoration students shared their learning with us about restoring ecosystems and habitat; their statements shaped the lyrics. Rock Band students helped develop the feel, the melody, the chords of the song. Xotwes Jonny Williams and Sulisulwut Bibiana Norris guided the Halq’eméylem translation. A unique and beautiful song was born.

It's a miracle that touched everyone who witnessed it. I feel such love for these young people and the gift they gave us that day.
