
Showing posts from March, 2023

Here we are at the end of it all - 2023 03 10

“Here we are at the end of it all.” This morning I feel like Frodo and Bilbo when they got back to the Shire after all the tremendous work of their adventures. Last night (Thu Mar 9), we did the THIRD concert of the day—the 5th in two days. The school had to do multiple concerts to fit all the families in. Almost all of the students were there for the last show, there was very little attrition. We weren’t sure, we thought they might be too tired, being so little. But why does a young child show up? Because…they are energized? Having fun; Excited? I’m trying to find ways to convey the miraculous magic of everyday life in a school when 210 little souls choose to do something together. It moves mountains. ‘ “All we know is that sometimes a song, taking just a few minutes, can have as much impression on a listener as reading a whole novel can. A song is often a triumph of oversimplification.” - Pete Seeger, when asked about the power of music. Pete was, indeed, correct in saying that songs...

The stage is set...

  Student's art decorates the piano.  The students incorporated the lyrics from the songs and their experience of learning and singing the songs into their artwork. One of the songs they sang was about an ancient old growth fir tree, "Mr. Douglas".  Learning the songs from the Voices of Nature program help the children understand what it means to be part of an ecology of life systems: watersheds, trees, and the Salish Sea. The lessons from the songs and singing together provide rich opportunities for the teachers to connect student's learning to their local habitats and climate.

Parents of Palsson Elementary students raffle to raise funds for school programs

  Palsson Elementary Parent Advisory Council (PAC) raffle - 2023-03-08 This afternoon, In the hall of the school, appeared tables laden with gift baskets filled with locally made, beautiful hand crafted items. Three women are tending the display like bees in a flower garden. The Parents of Palsson Elementary are raising money to support all kinds of programs for their kids, including concerts…true love in action! Palsson Elementary Google Site Page

"Are they real people?"

  Holly story - Tessa Couch - 2023-03-08 “Are they real people? Are they really coming here to sing with us?” Tessa Couch is the music specialist at Palsson Elementary. She has taught the songs to the students, learned and leads the actions, wrangles the kids on and off the stage, and leads the performance charge to lift off and victory. She is the musical lynchpin and connector in the school. She created a string timeline in the library that shows the 1300 years of historical events referred to in the lyrics for “Mr. Douglas”: she posted pictures of Ghengis Khan, European sailing ships contacting West Coast First Nations for the first time, the African Queen movie, giant trees being felled in high winds. Because, as she said, kids who are only five can’t conceive of what 1000 years is about. Palsson Elementary Google Site Page

Voices of Nature arrive at Palsson Elementary

Palsson Elementary Google Site Page

Dispatches from Lake Cowichan - Cow Cafe Encounter

This is Michelle, who works at the Cow Cafe for dinner. It’s a cool funky spot, warm light and a Cheers-like atmosphere. Peoples’ chatter and laughter are the soundtrack. As we paid our bill, Michelle asked where we’re from, and we explained that we’re doing a Voices of Nature program at Palsson school. “Oh yeah, my son is in it. Connor is in grade one. I’m coming to the concert on Thursday night. It’s the first time I’ve ever been to a kids’ concert!” Beside me a deep voice says, “And this ain’t no Jingle Bells at a Christmas concert.” Kevin…the man in black. “Please tell Connor, Kevin and Holly say hi.” I say. Michelle whips out a pen; “I’ve got to write down your names!” As we walk back to the Riverside Inn I reflect that her boy is six and we’ve had the pandemic and no school concerts for three years. Palsson Elementary Google Site Page

Dispatches from Lake Cowichan - Palsson Elementary

We’ve trundled out to Palsson Elementary for a command reprise Voices of Nature program. These amazing teachers, Vicky Dodge (in the orange shirt) and Carolyn Graham, are setting stage for what will unfold over the next three days with 200 students K-3…the Littles!!! They explain why they do this. The love these teachers feel for their students and their job radiates out of them. Teachers are the front line of change. Palsson Elementary Google Site Page